Ants Pest Control Brisbane – Prevention and Sustainable Service:

Elimination of ants can be very difficult to perform properly. We all know that ants are not like any other insect, and their unique characteristics can be a headache:

Access point to our home or business: Ants can enter through any minimum crack in search of water or food remains in our kitchen or warehouses.

Traces of smell: Once they have detected their food source, the ants leave an invisible trail that contains chemicals such as pheromones.

Anthills: Can be built anywhere, inside and outside your business or home. They can be detected in the walls, floors, gardens, or the foundations.

Colony size: There may be from 100 to 500,000 insects in the colonies. If they feel threatened, they can move and settle in a different place.

Here are some of the problems that ants can cause:

– They bite into food, contaminating it with pathogens and rendering it unusable for marketing or consumption.

– They invade specific areas of our homes or businesses.

– They create holes in the walls and floors.

– They eat some fabrics and clothes.

– They can destroy plastic materials, such as electrical cables.

– They pollute the surfaces they pass through.

The effectiveness of “do it yourself”: 

Most home methods only kill ants that are visible to the naked eye. The effective treatments penetrate the anthills and destroy them, preventing the appearance of future pests.

So, it is important to hire ant Inspections specialist Brisbane as they are professionals and know what treatments to apply for each type of ant and anthill.

How can I avoid them?

– It is important that the food sources are eliminated and that the storage and work areas are clean.

– Stagnant water areas should be avoided, and wet areas should be eliminated.

– Repair cavities, cracks, holes, tile joints, pipes, and joints.

– Eliminate remains of other animals that may attract them as food.

– It is important to locate the nest.

– Eliminating a few ants at the surface level on our own will not stop the invasion, in fact, it could even extend the colony and originate new secondary nests.

Our plan of action:

At Ants Pest Control Brisbane (, we begin by inspecting and identifying all the potential origins of your pest.

Comprehensive inspection: we detect your sanitation or structural problems that may have resulted in ants’ presence.

Activity Identification: We examine and report any evidence of infestation. It is important to know how the population of the type of ant in question develops.

Consideration of risks: We consider your type of business, its geographical location, and structural designs to determine the most appropriate plan of action.

Prevention and sustainable service:

Our services are performed preventively, that is, before the pest is detected and thus reduce the use of biocides.

If you need a product to treat your facilities, our technical manager will determine the most effective and least harmful treatment for the environment.


Our specialists will carry out a report to specify the way in which the cleaning, maintenance and structural sanitation of your facilities can be improved effectively. Thus, eliminating potential sources for colonies to settle.


Constant Monitoring: During our regular services, our specialized technicians carefully inspect the monitors for ant activity signs. They examine the facilities for new ways to access their facilities and ensure the program is working properly.

Evaluation and follow-up: After each treatment, our White ant Inspections specialist Brisbane technicians reflect the services provided, the signs of pests, and any other recommendations. Carrying out constant monitoring and being in constant contact with our clients are the main pillars of our elimination method.

Carpenter Ants: Everything You Need to Know

No one likes to share their loved house with uninvited guests like pests. And a few pests can just boom right under your nose. Carpenter ants are among those silent criminals. It is really challenging to detect carpenter ants at first. It can be too late to Google “carpenter ant exterminator near me.” That is why you need to know everything about carpenter ants.

Carpenter Ants and their nature

Carpenter ants are helpful in nature as they play a great role in forest decomposition. They are not wood eaters, but they dig through it to create a tunnel towards their nest. That is why they usually pick moist woods. So your decks, roof eaves, and chimney pillars can be their favorite places.

Signs of carpenter ants Infestation

To browse for “carpenter ant exterminator near me” in time, you need to detect them first. It may not be an easy job. They can survive inside your house without being noticed. They damage the infrastructure of your house from inside. If your house has a wooden foundation, then you have to be extra careful. The foundation and the usual moist lands around it can attract carpenter ants.

Carpenter ants make two types of nests –

  • Parent nests: Contains the eggs and are usually found outside.
  • Satellite nests: These are for worker carpenter ants. These nests are often found inside homes. These nests are comparatively smaller than the parent nests, which makes it more challenging to detect.

In order to get rid of the carpenter ants, you need to eliminate both the nests. Even if you become successful in detecting the satellite nest and use commercial pesticides there, it will be nothing but a futile endeavor because they will keep thriving outside your house in their parent nest and come back again. Here comes the need for local exterminators for ants.

These professionals are highly trained and exceptionally eliminate carpenter ants from their source. Carpenter ants can be considered one of the most challenging pests because it is not easy to get rid of them. They are not like any other pest. They have their way of life, tendencies, and even strategies.

One parent nest can be the reason for carpenter ant invasion in many houses. It’s just like a network. The parent nest works like a cradle. So do not waste time and search “carpenter ant exterminator near me” as soon as possible.

How to keep carpenter ants at bay?

Here are a few tips that can help you keep them away:

  • Since carpenter ants search for damp or wet wood, you can take the same sort of action you might take to prevent a termite infestation. Try to keep firewood away, trim the bushes often, remove any dead tree branches from your yard, keep the trees away from edges, and check the foundation once in a month.
  • Notice if there is any water leak issue. Do not ignore it and address it immediately. Try grading around the foundation pillars. If your garden, patio, or yard is becoming waterlogged, take the right actions. Standing water can cause a carpenter ant issue.
  • Seal the cracks immediately.
  • Do not create a pile of cardboard. There are many similarities between carpenter ants and termites. Both of them love damp cardboards.
  • Do not keep old and partially damaged furniture, wooden frames, windowsills, or door frames.
  • If your roof is leaking or damping, then look for professional help.

Carpenter Ants: Risks

While carpenter ants don’t spread infection like some other pests, they can cause grave damage to your house. They are capable of causing economic loss. Be it your furniture or your infrastructure; everything will be at risk if carpenter ants are in action.

Rounding up:

Taking action before it’s too late is highly recommended when it comes to carpenter ants. If you are not sure whether your home is infested by them or not, then just contact a local exterminator for ants for an inspection, they will device an appropriate plan. Calling in the professionals at the right time may save you and your home.  Let us help you and make your home free of these tiny devils.